About the project
“Migrant in Fashion” (MF) aimed at developing entrepreneurial competences of female migrants in Europe within the Fashion sector through tested innovation in existing offer.
The methodological dimension of the project was based on the use of Digital Storytelling, Design Thinking and Mentoring as a combined, integrated approach of entrepreneurial development allowing the transition from intentions to action in the field of entrepreneurship.
Project target was composed of female migrants aged 18-35 affected by social exclusion. The targets encompassed first and second generation female immigrants.
MF used an approach grounded on transnational cooperation between VET providers, NGOs and Businesses across a geographical cluster of countries providing a balanced picture of the present challenge of migrants’ integration in Europe.
MF deployed the following activities in the 30 months of the cooperation
Identification and assessment
of female migrants’ development needs in the Fashion sector and of existing offer of entreprenurial learning in the field.
Development and piloting
of a blended learning training existing female entrepreneurs from each partner country in Mentoring within entrepreneurial education programmes delivered for prospective female entrepreneurs at the country level. The programme integrated the co-design of the educational contents of local workshops with the participants.
Implementation of local workshops
of entrepreneurial development in the cultural field targeted at prospective female migrants in the fashion sector. The programmes was implemented in cooperation with local stakeholders in the business field through a combination of face-to-face learning, Mentoring and work-based learning.
Production of a Guide
for operators in the VET and stakeholder fields supporting the latter in the enactment of entrepreneurial support schemes targeted at female migrants in Fashion entrepreneurship.
Web Platform
integrating e-learning modules in multiple language for online educational support of the audience of prospective female migrant entrepreneurs in the Fashion field.
International Events
MigrantInFashion Kick-off in Berlin
First project meeting was a kick-off meeting for discussing the division of tasks…
Blended Mobility of Adult Learners in Sardinia
The hosting organization of the Piloting was Mine Vaganti NGO. The Piloting took place…
Second Transnational Meeting in Sardinia (Italy)
The meeting too place in Sassari (Italy), hosted by Mine Vaganti NGO, held…
Third Transnational Meeting in Luxembourg
The meeting was held in Luxembourg in the period 18-20 November 2019, with…