Kick-off meeting in Berlin (Germany)

  • October 12, 2018
First project meeting was a kick-off meeting for discussing the division of tasks and responsibilities for project implementation, approving the Partnership Agreement and elaborating and planning the details of project implementation. Cooperation and communication among the project partners was disciplined under a Partnership Agreement concluded among the partners and approved in the Kick-off Meeting. The division of tasks and responsibilities was made having regard to the wider objectives of the project and based on the competences and expertise of each partner. The Partnership Agreement, developed during the design of the proposal, enshrines the agreed upon division of responsibilities and the obligation of each partner in the project (both general and related to the specific tasks).Project management, cooperation and communication were informed by the following general criteria:
  • Fair division of tasks and responsibilities among partners
  • Respect for each other
  • Respect of general quality and timeliness parameters
The monitoring and delivery of the different chapters of the project were streamlined through the appointment of thematic committees, whose punctual composition will be decided in the frame of project Kick-off meeting.
The applicant and coordinating organization delivered a presentation in the Kick-off Meeting reminding all partnes of the financial rules of Erasmus Plus and presenting the procedures which will be followed for budget distribution within the partnership.
The evaluation of project impact were conducted in accordance with the procedures and indicators, qualitative and quantitative in nature, enshrined in the Evaluation Plan, elaborated by the partner Godesk and presented for approval in the Kick-off Meeting.
The Dissemination Plan was approved in the Kick-off meeting aims at maximizing project outreach towards the audiences we identified as key direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project.


  • Start Date:October 12, 2018
  • End Date:October 14, 2018